The Phillies Win the World Series!

Broad and Shunk, orig­i­nal­ly uploaded by Black­mail Is My Life.

If you were too young to remem­ber when the Phillies last won the World Series (this writer was three), this was our chance to have cham­pi­onship mem­o­ries of our own. 

I watched the game at Mem­phis Tap­room, where we toast­ed the Phils win with Bren­dan and Leigh with West­vleteren, some of the hard­est beers to find in the world, made by the cler­gy at the St. Six­tus Monas­tary in Bel­gium. Then we chant­ed, “Holy shit!”

From there I ran (lit­er­al­ly) to John­ny Bren­da’s, where I met up with friends. After cel­e­brat­ing at Girard and Frank­ford, we drove south, met anoth­er friend at Broad and Whar­ton, and marched to Broad and Shunk, the epi­cen­ter of so much Philly sports his­to­ry. You can see the crowd that gath­ered there in the pic­ture above.

It was a great night to be in Philadel­phia and a great night to be a Philadel­phi­an. Way to go, Phils! Let’s do it again next year!

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