Left 4 Dead Opening Cinematic

It’s been a slow year for new video games for me. I bought Grand Theft Auto 4 at mid­night, then bare­ly played it. I bought Mad­den 2009 and love it, but I’m rarely in the right frame of mind to be active­ly chal­lenged by it.

Now there are some deci­sions to make. I’m look­ing for­ward to Gears of War 2, but am unsure about titles like Dead Space and Left 4 Dead. Both seem to be up my alley; I like third-per­son shoot­ers just fine, espe­cial­ly with the hor­ror twist to keep it inter­est­ing. My main gripe is that it’s not as obvi­ous as last year’s crop of out­stand­ing games that are fun to pick up and play whenever.

What games are you look­ing for­ward to as the hol­i­days near? Chris, if you’re read­ing this, help me out!

One thought on “Left 4 Dead Opening Cinematic

  1. Can’t wait for the L4D demo tomor­row. I can’t wait to crack open Gears of War 2 either. Or to go back and explore the rest of Fall­out 3. Or World of Goo! I still haven’t played it. And I might try WOW again to check out the Lich King expansion.

    But come Christ­mas Day? I’m just going to fire up Rock Band 2 again!

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