This was a terrible week for workouts. It all started with last Saturday’s late night Phillies win over Tampa and got tougher from there. I managed Sunday’s run okay, but then the dreaded Monday night rainout that ended with me drunk and sleeping on the couch. (Helen was traveling, and I don’t take care of myself very well while she’s away.) I spent Tuesday recovering as best I could. I woke up a ran a speedy ten on Wednesday with every intention of running five on Thursday, but it wasn’t meant to be. Everything was thrown out the window after the Phillies clinched the World Series Wednesday night.
That’s okay. Shouting like a maniac at the corner of Broad and Shunk was well worth it.
I was sufficiently rested Saturday morning to pick up with a 10 mile pace run. That started out great and went downhill, owed to a few factors, including sleep deprivation and the fact that I only ate a hoagie and a few Reese’s cups on Friday.
Yesterday I was able to get in a solid 20 mile run in 2:36 and change. I dropped about five minutes off my last 20 mile time. I was aiming for an 8 minute mile average, but felt good enough on the run back to bring that down to 7:49. My last mile came in at 6:42 seconds. Not too shabby after running 19, right?
I think I’m at a good place in my training and expect to see my times drop now that Rob and I have completed the bulk of the mileage. We have just one week of short training runs before the taper begins. I have a feeling that once our bodies get time to recover, we’ll drop up to 15 seconds per mile.
I think I’m on target to run a Boston qualifier in my first marathon, an improbable goal I set for myself back in June. I’m in a state of nervous disbelief. I think I’m just going to make friends with whomever is running pace for a 3:10 marathon and stick to his or her hip.
I can’t believe the marathon is only a few weeks away. I would’ve never imagined feeling this good and confident when I started twenty some odd weeks ago.