The Sky Is Falling!

Here’s my absurd, reduc­tion­ist view­point on why edi­to­r­i­al will sur­vive the demise of the music indus­try: just because big con­glom­er­ates won’t make mon­ey sell­ing music does­n’t mean peo­ple will stop mak­ing it. Artists will keep doing all sorts of beau­ti­ful, irra­tional things, often at con­sid­er­able per­son­al expense, even if there’s no one to buy it. Some­one still needs to dig around to find what’s great, right?

If we as crit­ics con­cen­trate sole­ly on solv­ing the music indus­try’s prob­lems, we won’t be able to ade­quate­ly address our own. Jason Gross and I have been going back and forth quite a bit about this on Twit­ter. He wrote, “Music biz = our bread/butter (& our love). As for sav­ing crit­i­cism, do you mean the whole scribe trade or our just our own turf?” Con­flat­ing the music busi­ness with music itself is sil­ly. (I’m sure Jason agrees, but his tweet is illus­tra­tive nonetheless.)

If crit­i­cism sur­vives it will be as a cul­tur­al fil­ter. It sounds imper­son­al, but it’s of cru­cial impor­tance to an audi­ence. We have to stop think­ing of our­selves as ser­vants of the music indus­try and con­cen­trate on being of val­ue to an audi­ence with pre­cious lit­tle time to spend think­ing about our pas­sion. Remem­ber, crit­ics have always been cul­tur­al cura­tors, so it’s not a rad­i­cal change in job descrip­tion. We just have to think of our role in broad­er terms.

Our love is writ­ing about music. Let’s not for­get that.

7 thoughts on “The Sky Is Falling!

  1. I’m not sure the func­tion of crit­ics is even as cura­tors any more — social soft­ware means your friends (who you actu­al­ly KNOW) can be your cura­tors. Crit­i­cal voic­es will just be tri­an­gu­la­tion points — things to define your­self along­side or against to dif­fer­ent degrees. So Pitch­fork is use­ful because it works as a shorthand/guide for “the stuff peo­ple who like Pitch­fork music like” (yes, it all gets a bit cir­cu­lar!). You know where you stand with Pitch­fork peo­ple, so you tri­an­gu­late accordingly.

  2. J T. Ramsay says:

    I think that frag­men­ta­tion will actu­al­ly knock out the niche play­ers like Pitch­fork ulti­mate­ly. It’s such a spe­cial­ized pub­li­ca­tion, rel­a­tive to every­thing else, and I’m not sure they won’t get swept away in the down­turn that’s affect­ing all oth­er sec­tors in pub­lish­ing. I think they’re mak­ing some great moves by team­ing up with IFC, ABC, and NPR, but I’m not sure that those moves will result in a size­able increase in over­all traf­fic to the site, one that allows them to fill the void left by Rolling Stone and MTV.

  3. There’s an even more inter­est­ing argu­ment hid­den here as to whether crit­i­cism in gen­er­al can best sur­vive by frag­ment­ing into nich­es (like, say, or by aggre­gat­ing into por­tal-like sites.

    I think ulti­mate­ly the answer lies with a com­bi­na­tion of an increased focus on metadata/semanticweb stuff and mid­dle­ware sites like Hype Machine. 

    At some point i hope to be able to plug in a list of my favorite artists (or pull a list from into a site and get a con­tin­u­ous stream of rate­able crit­i­cism about bands that i like and bands that i’d like.


  4. J T. Ramsay says:

    That’s a good point, Jere­my. I think today’s adver­tis­ing cli­mate will ulti­mate­ly push peo­ple toward aggre­ga­tion. It’s as sim­ple as that in my mind, espe­cial­ly as social fea­tures make it pos­si­ble to suss those nich­es out so adver­tis­ers don’t have to hem and haw about where their dol­lars go.

  5. Well, you can sub­sti­tute any kind of brand­ed crit­i­cal voice (or high-pro­file indi­vid­ual) for Pitch­fork: I think their brand — which thanks to the rat­ing scale is very much based in fil­ter­ing — is pret­ty strong now, whether tied to a pub­lish­ing chan­nel or not. 

    But maybe not strong enough: we’ll find out in the next few years!

    In gen­er­al though I think I’d para­phrase your first para­graph: “Just because peo­ple will stop pay­ing for music writ­ing does­n’t mean peo­ple will stop doing it.”

  6. J T. Ramsay says:

    I think Pitch­fork is a strong brand, with­out ques­tion. I think the adver­tis­ing piece is going to make or break them. I think aggre­ga­tion and media con­ver­gence will need plen­ty of paid peo­ple to main­tain qual­i­ty and tone with com­ments and oth­er user-gen­er­at­ed con­tent doing what they already do: add key­words and pro­vide insight­ful infor­ma­tion to marketing.

  7. I’m flat­tered that you quot­ed me (real­ly, I’m not kid­ding!) but as you said, tweets don’t always allow us to spell out what we ful­ly mean to say.

    In my case, I was­n’t say­ing that it’s the mis­sion of a music scribe to save the music indus­try. What I meant to say is that scribes do care about music because that’s what they devote their work, brains and sweat to, whether they’re cov­er­ing it, writ­ing about it, think­ing about it, wor­ry­ing about it, pon­tif­i­cat­ing about it as well as rec­om­mend­ing and damn­ing cer­tain pieces of it. 

    The fact that the biz is in trou­ble now is dis­may­ing to some scribes because it means that artists are scram­bling to find answers about how they can sur­vive in this new atmos­phere and how var­i­ous music scenes can con­tin­ue to thrive now. I think if we come across good mod­els that might inspire or moti­vate musi­cians to fol­low them, we should def­i­nite­ly report about it.

    But real­is­ti­cal­ly, scribes can’t save the biz and frankly, that should­n’t be our job (any­more than you’d expect record labels to save the field of journalism).

    My ques­tion about ‘the whole scribe trade or our just our own turf’ con­cerned whether we should be wor­ry­ing about jour­nal­ism in gen­er­al or just music jour­nal­ism in par­tic­u­lar. I think we have to focus on the for­mer but you can’t sep­a­rate our field out- as solu­tions come up (even tem­po­rary ones), it’ll ulti­mate­ly ben­e­fit all of the scribes out there and the whole field of journalism.

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