Why I Love Where I Work

I know I’ve been talk­ing a lot about beer and the music indus­try here, but I want­ed to stop for a moment to talk a bit about my work. Since I got back from my long over­due trip to Den­mark, I’ve been invit­ing bands into the Com­cast Cen­ter for inter­views and ses­sions in our lounge, CIM City. Last week, I had Mastodon in to talk about their new album, Crack the Skye. This week the Ther­mals came in to talk about their new record, Now We Can See, and they were nice enough to play a few songs, too! It’s been some­thing of a life­long dream real­ized and it would­n’t have been pos­si­ble with­out being sur­round­ed by peo­ple who weren’t only will­ing but excit­ed to work on projects like this. It’s impos­si­bly cool!

It’s also intense­ly reward­ing. I’ve been thrilled to talk to bands I love in a free­wheel­ing inter­view style that real­ly cap­tures their per­son­al­i­ties and brings fans clos­er to them and their music. I can’t wait to share clips from both shoots with you!

What else have I been up to? I’m get­ting back to writ­ing more often now that I have a great intern help­ing me with the day-to-day issues at comcast.net/music. I’d love to get back where I was before our last crop of interns left, when I was writ­ing some­thing every day that could be fea­tured some­where on the music page. It’s a chal­lenge to pro­duce mate­r­i­al that real­ly res­onates with an audi­ence that’s grown accus­tomed to a steady diet of gos­sip, but when artists like Bruce Spring­steen are plagued by Tick­et­mas­ter, there’s a great oppor­tu­ni­ty to speak out about the ways in which the music indus­try is still pun­ish­ing fans at the very moment they should be falling over them­selves to please them.

Last­ly, I record­ed my first voice-over yes­ter­day. This, too, is some­thing of a life­long dream. Peo­ple have been ask­ing me if I’ve thought about doing radio for years, so when I got a chance to read for a forth­com­ing web series on Fan­cast, I leapt at the chance. It’s a real­ly fun con­cept that gave me a great oppor­tu­ni­ty to read in my best Movie­fone voice, which I don’t do near­ly enough these days. I’ll be sure to post that here when it goes live. I’d love to hear what you think.

None of this would be pos­si­ble if I weren’t sur­round­ed by great peo­ple who are will­ing to take a chance on pro­duc­ing the sort of music con­tent I think appeals to peo­ple who love music…like me!

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