I Love This Time of Year

Where did sum­mer go? I haven’t lived up to most of the res­o­lu­tions I’ve made for myself this year, but I think that I get a reprieve since car­ing for my baby boy Char­lie took prece­dent right around June 18th this year. I’m still tin­ker­ing with this blog, as well as redis­cov­er­ing web ser­vices like Tum­blr, mar­veling at the new Google Read­er fea­tures, won­der­ing if I’ll ever think Friend­Feed is as use­ful as it claims to be, and be aston­ished at how com­plete­ly peo­ple are drawn into Face­book’s world.

But instead of get­ting lost in new and improved web toys, I’m enjoy­ing the time I’ve got­ten to spend with Char­lie and my love­ly wife Helen this sum­mer. We’ve tak­en Char­lie to five Phillies games already! We’re head­ed to North Car­oli­na next week for our annu­al vaca­tion there. I can’t wait!

When we get back it’ll be non­stop Phillies base­ball games, Czer­w’s kiel­basy grilled in our back­yard, Eagles games with friends, long runs as I con­tin­ue train­ing for my sec­ond marathon and every­thing there is to love about Philadel­phia in the fall. What’s not to love?

So don’t fret if I’m spend­ing an inor­di­nate amount of time on my baby­moon. I’m sure I’ll be back to being an Inter­net crank soon enough!

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