We Went to Cooperstown

Helen, Char­lie, and I just got back from a love­ly week­end in Coop­er­stown, NY. We went up to see the Nation­al Base­ball Hall of Fame, yet we saw a giant pump­kin regat­ta and came home with a mixed case of Ommegang bot­tles. Some week­end, huh?

It was a great time. The weath­er was per­fect­ly autum­nal. As we drove up, I watched the tem­per­a­ture out­side the car drop to a crisp 41 degrees. I start­ed think­ing about pump­kins and cin­na­mon and cider. I was excit­ed to see the Base­ball Hall of Fame for the first time and to check out a fan­tas­tic domes­tic brewery.

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