My Macbook Problems

Tomor­row I’m head­ed back to the Apple Store at the Cher­ry Hill Mall to fix a prob­lem that began late last year when my hard dri­ve cooked right inside my Mac­book. I went and got the disk replaced in April, but I haven’t real­ly recov­ered from the expe­ri­ence. Sure, my com­put­er works and has a brand spankin’ new OS, but you know what, that’s not good enough.

I went in there and got great ser­vice, no ques­tion, but it did­n’t go above and beyond. While my com­put­er was being repaired, the key­board cracked for the third time. The third time! I know this is a design flaw that was fixed when they rolled out the new Mac­book. You’d think if they’re replac­ing the hard dri­ve any­way, they’d notice the crack in the key­board and just toss the whole thing. There’s noth­ing to save, right?

That’s my aim when I go in tomor­row. I’m going to be upfront with them and let them know that the issues I’ve had with this com­put­er were nev­er prob­lems with the PCs I’ve owned, even the cooked hard dri­ve. It’s frus­trat­ing to pay a pre­mi­um for a supe­ri­or machine, love it, and have so many issues. Wish me luck!

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