Bring Your A’s Game

Remem­ber how I post­ed that thing about bring­ing the Ath­let­ics back to Philadel­phia this morn­ing? Well, it’s kind of becom­ing a thing. I just reg­is­tered a domain for Bring Your A’s Game, a site ded­i­cat­ed to bring­ing the Ath­let­ics back to the City of Broth­er­ly Love.

Where does this rank among my quixot­ic pur­suits? Some­where between my child­hood wish to become Pres­i­dent at 35 (still have two years to get that togeth­er!) and swim­ming in the ’96 Olympics, which is to say, it’s pret­ty far out there. Does this sound com­plete­ly insane, yet strange­ly appeal­ing to you? Be in touch!

As an aside, do you think I should start a Kick­starter account to raise the $295M to buy the team out­right?

2 thoughts on “Bring Your A’s Game

  1. It’s fun­ny that this comes up now, because I’ve spent the last few days brain­storm­ing over alter­nate his­to­ry uni mashups for the Phillies that I had planned to sub­mit for a con­test to Uni­Watch. The next ones on the list were a Phils/A’s WWII merg­er con­cept (a la the Phil-Pitt Stea­gles). I had been research­ing old A’s uni­forms and stuff for inspi­ra­tion, and now here I find out I’m not the only one inter­est­ed in dredg­ing up ancient base­ball history.

    This looks like great fun. I’ll help out how­ev­er I can. Let me know what you need.

  2. Um, are you my alter ego? Nice to meet you, TJ! Sounds like an awe­some con­test! I love Uni Watch, too. 

    I think for the time being I most­ly need folks to help get the word out. I’m lay­ing the ground­work for the offi­cial web­site but I want to have a decent fol­low­ing on Face­book so I can make mag­ic hap­pen with local media and more. In short, tell your fel­low base­ball fanatics!

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