Another Big Week for Bring Your A’s Game

My friend and co-work­er Lee Rus­sakoff invit­ed me on his week­ly pod­cast, What’s Your 20, along with John­ny Good­times. You can lis­ten to it here.

Some great issues were brought up and I love answer­ing them. There are so many con­tra­dic­tions in sports own­er­ship at this point, what with bank­rupt teams mak­ing big deals at the trade dead­line and amaz­ing pitch­ing per­for­mances going prac­ti­cal­ly unno­ticed in their home­towns. Any time any­one tells me why this can’t work, I counter by say­ing that plen­ty of sports that are fail­ing before your very eyes, includ­ing the play­off-bound Texas Rangers, cur­rent­ly in bankruptcy.

No one out there has got­ten the mes­sage bet­ter than the inim­itable Ger­ard Cosloy, writ­ing at his must-read sports blog, Can’t Stop the Bleed­ing. He said this of my quest:

These efforts had me think­ing ; if a team receives luke­warm fan sup­port — despite impres­sive achieve­ments between the lines — is there real­ly some­thing total­ly fucked up about propos­ing they relo­cate to a sports mad north­east­ern city that rou­tine­ly sells out it’s bou­tique ballpark?

My sen­ti­ments exact­ly, Mr. Cosloy. Let’s hope more peo­ple see things the same way you do.

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