Very happy to finally see Inception, my first movie in the theater since Charlie was born. Far cry from the last movie I saw in the theater, which was Adventureland, if memory serves.
Great, big movie. It’s the sort of stuff that makes you want to shake anyone who tells you art should conform to the new financial realities brought to us by piracy. I love small movies, but if everything were shot on handhelds I think film art would just die altogether. What would be left to do? If the world were only filled with amateur Cassavetes, we’d be a pretty dour bunch, wouldn’t we? I mean, is there even a point to getting into the thought puzzle at the core (?) of the film? I feel like I’m still absorbing the movie.
Did anyone see The Prestige, Nolan’s stopover flick between Batman Returns and The Dark Knight? Guess not, because if they had I think more people would think of him as the M. Knight Shymalan you don’t laugh at…yet.
Speaking of Shymalan, the crowd burst into laughter once his name was mentioned in the trailer for Devil. Dude’s not hitting his way out of this slump, unless he intended to be the new Ed Wood.
the Prestige is a flawless movie and very underrated
You think? I’m not sure if I’d say it was flawless, having watched part of
it again recently, but I certainly enjoyed it. Have to say I hate any movie
that does a flashback to explain a double to the viewer. Ask the audience to
pay attention and they will!
maybe I should watch again just to make sure. Good idea, I will! Are there a lot of movies that use the hated device you mention?
Well, it’s pretty much the same ending to Inception. Like I said, he’s like M. Night.