Refused Make Decibel’s Hall of Fame

Can’t tell you how thrilled I was to see the new issue of Deci­bel. This piece by Nick Green is a must-read, and I’m hon­est­ly sur­prised I haven’t seen more love for it online. Maybe I’m just not read­ing the right things, or maybe the Deci­bel mas­sive isn’t all that into Refused, but I was blown away. Great choice.

Not sure I know exact­ly why I love this album so much. It’s not some­thing I ever lis­tened to all that often and I cer­tain­ly was­n’t into it when it was released in ’98. I prob­a­bly did­n’t hear it until much lat­er when the album art caught my eye while job hunt­ing on my room­mate’s com­put­er in 2003. I loved how pre­ten­tious it was and could­n’t resist its temp­ta­tion. Like Fugaz­i’s The Argu­ment, it’s a bold state­ment album and one you won’t soon for­get. Cer­tain­ly a must for folks who missed out alto­geth­er. Let’s please diver­si­fy our ’90s nos­tal­gia past rote reunions like Pave­ment and Guid­ed by Voices.

Haven’t heard the reis­sue yet but I’m clam­or­ing to get my hands on a copy. Take every­one’s word for it. You won’t be dis­ap­point­ed. Chill­wave does­n’t have this kind of cathar­sis. Trust me.

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