I Want a Nikon D90

Marisa’s pic­tures are so gor­geous. She shoots a Nikon D90. Her pic­tures are to me the quin­tes­sence of great pho­to­blog­ging — mak­ing the ordi­nary extra­or­di­nary! I peeped her cam­era on Flickr and now I want to get one for myself.

I’ve spent so much mon­ey over the years on mediocre point and shoot cam­eras, as well as one pho­ny DSLR-style cam­era way back when, that it might make sense to actu­al­ly buy some equip­ment that I could use and enjoy, no?

This is where I implore all of my favorite Philly pho­tog types to tell what I should buy and where I can find a deal. Talk to me, peo­ple! While you’re at it, rec­om­mend a good spot to learn a thing or two about dig­i­tal pho­tog­ra­phy. I want to take the best baby pic­tures pos­si­ble, okay?

4 thoughts on “I Want a Nikon D90

  1. Brett says:

    I did a ton of research a cou­ple of years ago when I end­ed up with my Canon DSLR (I pre­fer Canon over Nikon, I think). I got a good deal on Ama­zon through a mer­chant. You should also check out B&H.

  2. I agree…I think Marisa makes food porn. I mean…wow.

    I still shoot on my Nikon D70 and love it. It’s from years ago and still going strong…now the 90 is super great.

  3. Dude, you’re not jok­ing. Those pic­tures are just so mouth-wateringly
    won­der­ful. It’s fun­ny that the strug­gle for me is to find a good still
    cam­era and not a video cam­era. I feel like our toast­er shoots video these
    days. Am I wrong to believe that buy­ing a dig­i­tal cam­era, at least a
    point-and-shoot, comes with almost imme­di­ate buy­er’s remorse?

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