My Beef with the PLCB

While I don’t share Lew’s froth­ing hatred of tax­a­tion, I must say that I’ve reached my lim­it with the PLCB. What was the last straw, you ask? I have nev­er had a good local dis­trib­u­tor in my life. I had a flir­ta­tion with Soci­ety Hill Bev­er­age, but even their supe­ri­or selec­tion (by PA stan­dards) and rea­son­able prices aren’t enough to keep me from envy­ing my friends in Jer­sey, or from rel­ish­ing trips to Helen’s home state too much. (Lit­tle secret: Vir­ginia is for beer lovers! Bet you did­n’t know Dog­fish Head has a string of brew­pubs down there!)

No one retail­er is per­fect. I’ll accept that for all intents and pur­pos­es beer snob­bery is the new record snob­bery. You can read all about it, sali­vate over every bou­tique brew, but the the real chal­lenge is to find it in the wild. Might not be so hard at the local tap­rooms, but try find­ing a bomber of Dog­fish Head­’s lat­est, Bitch­es Brew, any­where around town. It’s point­less to try.

I’m not sure what the answer is. I’m not typ­i­cal­ly a fan of pri­va­ti­za­tion. Sure, there’s malfea­sance in the pub­lic sphere, but we can influ­ence that. Look around at what’s hap­pened in the free mar­ket in the past ten years and ask your­self if they’re doing much bet­ter. What I will grant is that folks in oth­er states with more lib­er­al alco­hol sales laws tend to have a bet­ter over­all expe­ri­ence. Would it kill some­one to let me buy a mixed six pack, instead of hav­ing to buy a whole case of pump­kin ale?

As it stands now, plen­ty of Penn­syl­va­ni­ans become boot­leg­gers rather than con­form to local laws. It’s too tempt­ing to sneak over the Jer­sey or Delaware bor­der to pick up your favorite beer and wine in stores that are frankly much bet­ter than any state store or dis­trib­u­tor. Why not just reform the laws and find a way to make that sys­tem work as it does in neigh­bor­ing states?

I will say this: boot­leg­ging is much eas­i­er now since the advent of E‑Z Pass. You don’t even have to wait in pesky toll lanes!

4 thoughts on “My Beef with the PLCB

  1. I was super excit­ed to see, and move near, the Bel­la Vista Dis­trib­u­tor but the nov­el­ty of selec­tion wore off after awhile for the same rea­son you cite. I’m nev­er in the mar­ket for a whole $80 case of any one type of beer. I’ll go in and pick up a vari­ety pack on occa­sion, but that lim­its what I can sam­ple from.
    Hawthorne’s looked like it was going to be a god­send, but you’re pay­ing a high pre­mi­um for the “lux­u­ry” of mix­ing a six pack.
    Now I stock up at Canal’s on 38 when run­ning the occa­sion­al week­end errand, or work­ing from our NJ offices.
    My alter­na­tives when that’s not available:
    — Occa­sion­al growler fills at Dev­il’s Den. YMMV, but I find you usu­al­ly get a decent break on get­ting one of these 64oz bot­tles filled. Seems that it rings up against the price per ounce of the keg ver­sus equiv­a­lent glasses.
    — Over­pay­ing for cold six packs at POPE or Ter­i’s Diner
    — Con­vinc­ing friends/coworkers to hit up a hap­py hour and at least enjoy the selec­tion of decent­ly priced pubs around here

  2. Agreed re Bel­la Vista. My hap­pi­est moments there all involve Troegs’ prod­ucts, whether it’s secur­ing a six­tel of Mad Elf for our annu­al Xmas par­ty, or find­ing the last case of Nugget Nec­tar hid­den behind a few cas­es of Ken­zinger. A treat! 

    Apart from that, yeah, $80 just to try some­thing I’ve read about? No thanks.

    We have Kraft­work up our way and they fill growlers, too, but I can’t con­vince myself to make that leap. I’d soon­er head out to Sly Fox or Vic­to­ry in person.

    I’ll have to try Canal’s again. My wife works right off of 38 (or 70. I nev­er remem­ber which) so we’re over there often enough. It’s just tricky mak­ing an extra stop with the baby. He gets annoyed if he has to be put into the car seat too many times!

  3. You know…I see a lot of blue-state types pref­ac­ing their ques­tion­ing of the PLCB (or VABC, or whichev­er of the ridicu­lous­ly out­dat­ed state booze con­trol agen­cies) with “I’m not usu­al­ly in favor of privatization…” 

    Not nec­es­sary, IMO. Pri­va­ti­za­tion is about pri­va­tiz­ing func­tions that have tra­di­tion­al­ly been those of gov­ern­ment. RETAIL is not one. I don’t think you need to feel bad about sup­port­ing that kind of pri­va­ti­za­tion at all, regard­less of your pol­i­tics. You would­n’t want to see the gum­mint con­trol­ling oth­er retail, would you? Like book­stores, maybe? Did­n’t think so!

  4. Well, gov­ern­ment is involved in retail, but it’s usu­al­ly behind the scenes. We’re not the only state that has this, includ­ing VA and NC, at least for wine and spirits. 

    That said, I’ll grant that the arrange­ment here in PA is just absurd. It seems that we’d almost have to abol­ish the PLCB and dis­trib­u­tors simul­ta­ne­ous­ly. I mean, dump­ing state stores is one thing; try­ing to force small busi­ness oper­a­tors to diver­si­fy their prod­uct offer­ing is quite anoth­er. Most of my neigh­bor­hood stores make bank on moun­tains of Coors, Miller and Bud­weis­er. That’s where I see the real issue, since it goes out­side the polit­i­cal realm and delves into small busi­ness­es who would be reluc­tant to reform.

    How would that unfold?

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