So Pavement Sucked

Once upon a time, Pave­ment were a spe­cial band to me. That rabid fan­dom petered out since they called it quits in ’99, and ever since I’ve felt like Malk­mus’ solo career was just him navel gazing.

The reunion dis­ap­points main­ly because they haven’t learned any­thing about show­man­ship since their start­ed. Maybe that’s good for folks who were accus­tomed to them being one of the most bor­ing live acts on the indie cir­cuit, but I real­ly expect­ed it to feel momen­tous, like I’d final­ly wit­nessed a piece of his­to­ry I missed the first time around.

Does­n’t help that my friend got assault­ed, or that the words “I could kill you” were direct­ed at me, entire­ly unpro­voked. What they said about Pave­ment fans chang­ing over their course def­i­nite­ly holds. I’ll stick to those records and cher­ish the mem­o­ries I made lis­ten­ing to them.

Also worth not­ing: the Mann Music Cen­ter was­n’t near­ly as great a venue as I thought, at least not for rock music. I know that I’m nos­tal­gic for my high school days when I saw clas­sic rock fogies like Emer­son, Lake and Palmer and the Moody Blues sit­ting on the lawn, but the pavil­ion sounds real­ly noisy, espe­cial­ly toward the back. I hate to say it, but I’ve had bet­ter con­cert expe­ri­ences at the back of the Susque­han­na Bank Cen­ter pavilion.

2 thoughts on “So Pavement Sucked

  1. mufffin says:

    Thought you weren’t going? Oh come on, I thought it was pret­ty great–great song selec­tion (only one from TT, two or three from West­ing!), malk­mus played some great gui­tar with­out get­ting too jam­my. Sound was as clear as a bell. When exact­ly did you think pave­ment was­n’t the SM show? He played every­thing on those albums. 

  2. No beef with the song selec­tion at all. It just did­n’t live up to my
    expec­ta­tions. I’ve found that folks who are still total­ly in the bag for
    Pave­ment loved it, and those of us who’ve moved on weren’t quite as
    impressed with a lack­lus­ter live show. Felt like they just go through the
    motions, epit­o­miz­ing their slack­er rep.

    For some­one who real­ly fell in love with the band late (’99), but
    nev­er­the­less devoured those records and cher­ished them for a sol­id three or
    four years (some­thing I nev­er do now), it just did­n’t thrill me as much as
    I’d hoped.

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