Current iPhone Home Screen

First & 20 start­ed out as one of my favorite iPhone blogs. It had a clever premise: ask tech all stars to share their iPhone home screens.

They haven’t been pub­lish­ing much of late, but I’ve checked back from time to time any­way. Thought I’d share mine again, too!

I just rad­i­cal­ly reset what’s on the home screen and where. I float­ed text, email and phone from the dock into the top row, replac­ing them with apps I use much more often, like Twit­ter, Reed­er, Things and the cal­en­dar app. It’s tak­ing some get­ting used to, but makes much more sense based on frequency.

The sec­ond row remains more or less unchanged. It’s home to my social web apps, with Instapa­per thrown in for those times when I might not be able to access the web. Learned that while rid­ing the NYC sub­way a few week­ends back.

The third row is where I’ve bun­dled apps into con­ve­nient cat­e­gories. News and Enter­tain­ment are pret­ty self-explana­to­ry. Con­tacts is just an easy way to toss the con­tacts app, LinkedIn, and Bump togeth­er on the home screen for con­ve­nience’s sake. Util­i­ties is a broom clos­et for the apps you need but aren’t all that spe­cial, like set­tings, Safari and the calculator.

The bot­tom row is for enter­tain­ment, too. The iPod app is self-explana­to­ry. I keep the Com­cast app at the ready. It lets me know when some­one’s call­ing my house so I don’t miss any calls. Han­dles my r‑DVR, too, which is real­ly great. Tuner­fish is an app I’m real­ly excit­ed about. It’s like Foursquare for tele­vi­sion, com­plete with fun badges and a suite of social fea­tures which lets you share what you’re watch­ing with friends.

Why have I left a space open? You’ll find out soon enough!

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