My Favorite Albums of 2010

I’m try­ing to pull these togeth­er now. A few albums leap to mind:

  • Liars – Sis­ter­world
  • The Roots — How I Got Over
  • Kanye West — My Beau­ti­ful Dark Twist­ed Fantasy
  • Tay­lor Swift’s Speak Now
  • Sight­ings — City of Straw
  • Janelle Mon­ae — The ArchAn­droid
  • Erykah Badu — New Amerykah Part Two: Return of the Ankh
  • Ted Leo and the Phar­ma­cists — The Bru­tal­ist Bricks
  • The-Dream — Love King
  • Titus Andron­i­cus — The Mon­i­tor
  • Big Boi — Sir Lus­cious Left Foot
  • Spoon — Trans­fer­ence
  • Kyle­sa — Spi­ral Shadow
  • Sleigh Bells — Treats
  • V/A Casu­al Vic­tim Pile comp

I’m still look­ing around for things I missed. Real­ly wish there were more met­al on this list, to say noth­ing of weirdo noise and psych stuff. More coun­try, too! I’m not above hear­ing ten albums in the next week and mak­ing those my favorite albums of the year. Still haven’t heard that Beach House album that came out so long ago it feels like 2009! I’m over wor­ry­ing what crit­ics think of my year-end list; none of them mat­ter so much to war­rant the cos­mopoli­tan ulcer I used to give myself come Novem­ber. Have to admit that it feels good to have reached the point in my life where I’m hap­py to nom­i­nate the main­stream fluff I used to hate see­ing in the Vil­lage Voice Pazz ‘n’ Jop poll. That Tay­lor Swift album is damn good!

What are your favorites of 2010? Feel free to drop links in the com­ments. Wow me.

6 thoughts on “My Favorite Albums of 2010

  1. mufffin says:

    future islands-in evening air (# 1 by a mile)
    beach house-teen dream
    shear­wa­ter-gold­en archipelago
    warpaint-the fool
    radio dept-cling­ing to a scheme
    arcade fire-the suburbs
    oneo­htrix point never-returnal
    joan­na new­som-have one on me

  2. Can­not get through the Arcade Fire album. Tried. Twice! Maybe it’ll click
    for me some­time down the road, but I still think “Neon Bible” is their
    high-water mark. Haven’t been able to get down with Future Islands either.

    What’s that Warpaint album like?

  3. mufffin says:

    warpaint is kin­da like ear­li­er 4AD stuff with the reverb dialed down quite a bit. it’s the dude’s voice with future islands, right? I don’t think he’s being ironic. 

  4. Can’t even remem­ber real­ly. Pret­ty sure my friend Mark played it for me. Not
    sure if it was the voice — and I like weird/bad voic­es — or if the whole
    aes­thet­ic does noth­ing for me.

    See also Twin Shad­ow sound­ing like a Prince and R.E.M. duet. Two things I
    like, just not together.

  5. I’m glad you includ­ed the Spoon album. I’m a big fan of that album. You and Made­line should have a lis­ten­ing par­ty. She would be THRILLED that you are a Tay­lor Swift fan… I’m just lame‑o Mom and can’t dig it. Let’s see, what oth­er albums did I like…I liked the new Belle and Sebas­t­ian. The Dr. Dog album was fun and good and local. I have recent­ly become a Roky Erick­son fan, and he released an album this year. The Black Moun­tain album is fan­tas­tic. It took me sev­er­al lis­tens and going to see them to real­ly appre­ci­ate it, but Amber’s voice is like a tran­quil­iz­ing lul­la­by to me. 

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