The Ongoing Saga of My Stereo

It was just over two years ago that I unearthed my turntable from stor­age and restored it to its right­ful place in the liv­ing room. That streak end­ed yes­ter­day as it went back into the base­ment after recon­sid­er­ing some fur­ni­ture. Fret not, it’ll be back, but in this incar­na­tion I’ll final­ly break down and incor­po­rate it into the home enter­tain­ment unit, tying in the TV, Xbox 360, turntable and Mac­book some­time next month.

Have to say that it was the right deci­sion. We moved our 8‑square Expe­d­it book­case into the base­ment (side­walk sale eli­gi­ble!) in the mean­time and I have to say that the space real­ly works with­out the room divider we felt we need­ed so des­per­ate­ly two years ago. I can only thank our new kitchen for inspir­ing us to real­ly rethink our down­stairs and our amaz­ing handy­man for mak­ing change pos­si­ble. I think our stur­dy, antique coat tree is des­tined to become a robe rack in the mas­ter bed­room. Change everything!

Now if I could just find the spare $600 to buy a 42″ HDTV and hang it on the wall I’d be all set! Of course, if you’re a total A/V nerd and feel inclined to offer sug­ges­tions on how to make this new set­up sound even half decent through a pair of Axiom Audio speak­ers, let me know in the comments!

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