Eleanor Friedberger — Personal Record

I can’t believe I once hag­gled with Eleanor over the price of a Fiery Fur­naces t‑shirt in the front of the Khyber…and that she accept­ed $10 instead of $15. Even hard­er to believe it was that long ago that the Fiery Fur­naces were crit­i­cal dar­lings, play­ing packed rooms and mes­mer­iz­ing fans with Mat­t’s musi­cian­ship and Eleanor’s swagger.

It’s great to see Eleanor break out and make real­ly love­ly pop records that should appeal to a broad­er audi­ence than prob­a­bly hears them. There’s no stand­out track to these ears after a few lis­tens, but I’m o.k. with that. I still enjoy putting a record on on Sun­day morn­ing, sip­ping cof­fee, flip­ping through the Home sec­tion on my Flip­board. Per­son­al Record is per­fect for that.

I know Matt Fried­berg­er would hate to have his music described as some­thing that does­n’t demand more from the lis­ten­er, but there’s some­thing to be said for music that does­n’t bounce around like a child throw­ing a tantrum. His solo stuff was nev­er that chal­leng­ing in the way he believed it to be. And the man­ner in which he drove fans away from the Fiery Fur­naces tar­nished the band’s lega­cy irrevocably.

Per­son­al Record finds Eleanor Fried­berg­er com­ing into her own after her equal­ly lush and love­ly Last Sum­mer.

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