So, it’s somehow 2025 and *extremely Jim Anchower voice* it’s been a while since I rapped at ya.
How was 2024? Pretty great! I fell backward into consulting in late 2023, working with a former colleague in what was probably the most rewarding chapter of my career to date. Personally — and I’ll update my media diet in a separate post — we traveled more than we have in years, with trips that took us back to the Upper Peninsula, to Seattle and to Point Reyes Station, California. Magical, really.
As I’ve historically done — you can check the archives — this is the time of year I remember that I’ve had this blog since 2008. It feels insane. Now that I’m an *entrepreneur,* I plan to spend more time here, with mix of posts about things that interest me, plus professional thought leadership where it makes sense, both for communications and marketing, plus industry observations for things that puzzle me.
For now, I’ll just update on where you can find me online.
- Bluesky is where you’ll find me in cultural critic mode. If I haven’t followed you there, it’s only because I’m being very selective about what discourse I’m engaging. Overwhelmingly, it’s music critics I’ve been reading for twenty years.
- Threads is where I’m choosing to rebuild my tech PR acumen. It is wild how much has changed in tech media, both in terms of outlets and players. What I’m finding are far more enthusiast/influencer voices in the space. This isn’t altogether surprising, but Threads will take some tuning. I never *really* left tech, but it’s fair to say I built some distance over the last five years. My tolerance for vaporware is at an all-time low.
- LinkedIn is unadulterated content marketing and thought leadership. What I learned in my first consulting gig is that, true to form, I enjoy high impact transformation work the most. Communications is in dire need of new thinking, strategies, tactics, measurement and evangelism of all the above, and I’m sharing that on LinkedIn.
- Instagram is where I follow the bands and venues I love, and share music and photography infrequently via Stories and even more rarely on the feed.
- The Storygraph is where I’m tracking what I read.
- Letterboxd is where I track what I’m watching.
But what about everything else?
Well, I only scroll TikTok and rarely share anything there. Do I feel like I need to do more direct-to-camera posting? Sure. Will TikTok be where that happens? Maybe.
How about YouTube? Same as above. It’s an amazing, if overwhelming, entertainment and education platform. Right now I’m obsessed with Apple productivity and Blackstone griddle recipes!
Don’t even get me started with Facebook. It’s hard to imagine a platform that hasn’t been gutted like Twitter meeting the same end. The more platforms inject “related” content into the already overcrowded timeline, the more apt I am to check out. Who thinks we have a content supply shortage? Nobody.
Finally, I think the notion that social media is in a death spiral is overrated. Do I think some platforms are doubtless headed for the exit? Certainly. There are demographic factors and general malaise at play across this landscape. But do I think people don’t enjoy connecting with one another in fun, if not meaningful ways online? Absolutely not.
In fact, in my professional opinion, I’m seeing more organizations, driven entirely by cost and the reality of a ravaged media landscape, lean even harder into syndicating content on their social channels. Does it work? No. Could it? Maybe! But nobody is ready yet to walk away entirely.
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