Author: J T. Ramsay
New War on Drugs Video
My good friend Mark from the Poverty Jet Set directed the new War on Drugs video for “A Needle in Your Eye #16.” Hope you like it!
New Bon Iver Song — “Blood Bank”
It’s not “Skinny Love,” but it’s a pretty nice track by one of my favorite artists of 2007/8. [via My Old Kentucky Blog]
Radiohead PWN.
I’ll be writing recklessly about Radiohead’s cultural significance at my work blog, Blinded by the Hype! In the meantime, you can check out the setlist from last night’s show in Camden, NJ and try to imagine being there. Unless you were, in which case, what’d you think? (Here’s the setlist they played when I saw them…
I saw King Crimson last night.
Keswick Theater, originally uploaded by Blackmail Is My Life. Last night my friend Bucky and I ventured out to leafy Glenside to see prog rock monsters King Crimson at the Keswick Theater. They may not play the classics that nearly every teenage boy memorizes while gulping down heaping helpings of Ayn Rand, but it’s pretty…
It’s another busy week.
Last week was pretty unbelievable. I celebrated my third anniversary, turned 31, saw the Phils beat the Fish, and went to the Poconos for the weekend, where I ate a ton of smoked pork shoulder. This week should be more of the same as I check out King Crimson tonight, Radiohead tomorrow night, take Helen…