Author: J T. Ramsay

  • Fair Warning.

    Radio­head in about ten min­utes. Be ready.

  • Note to publicists:

    If you’re still send­ing cds [this was almost full stop], they should at least be playable on the com­put­er, iPod, whathavey­ou. As much as I love inde­pen­dent artists and the music they make, I can’t spend time I don’t have lis­ten­ing to it at home when I could just as eas­i­ly lis­ten and enjoy on…

  • Never Forget: Bob Dylan

    After a brief con­ver­sa­tion with a Dylan­ite yes­ter­day, I need­ed to imme­di­ate­ly re-read Andy Beta’s excel­lent review of Todd Hay­nes’s new hagiog­ra­phy, I’m Not There. Will peo­ple ever stop Tom Brokaw-ing Six­ties music? [PS: There’s a part of me that would love to do a recur­ring fea­ture called Nev­er For­get in which I dis­cuss rehashed artists…

  • Normally an ‘Under Construction’ GIF would be here.

    So much is still going on. My main man is still work­ing up a redesign. I still can’t wait, but in the mean­time, just so you know that I still care about music and stuff, I’m going to be writ­ing snip­pets about my favorite albums/artists of ’07 at my work blog, Blind­ed by the Hype!…

  • First world problems, I’ve got ’em.

    Which new iPod? Giz­mo­do wres­tles with the options and comes to the con­clu­sion that stand­ing pat is the way to go. But they have a 60 gig video iPod. I still have my func­tion­al but weath­ered black and white 20G from ’04. I know, it should be in a muse­um as it still works, still…