Author: J T. Ramsay

  • It was either the lighting or you were green with envy.

    Now that the the hoopla has passed, this is real­ly fun­ny. At 30,000 feet, the iPhone seems as pop­u­lar as the polio vac­cine; at ground lev­el I think I know one guy who bought one.

  • The Fourth always makes me think of Better Than Ezra.

    My last — and prob­a­bly best — review is up at Paper Thin Walls. Alan is a gra­cious, fun­ny inter­view. I haven’t lis­tened to Drums and Guns in a bit, but I may revis­it it today. I have to put a mid­point ’07 list togeth­er, and “Hatch­et” will prob­a­bly make the sin­gles list. Tonight? Rata­touille! [In…

  • But what if Angela Lansbury committed all those murders herself?

    Sure I’m late to this, but check out KYW’s video about May­or Street’s iPhone sna­fu and you’ll find me hold­ing a mic. Here’s the footage we got with the May­or as well as the woman who con­front­ed him with a spe­cial guest appear­ance by Lar­ry West! I had an amaz­ing talk with Matthew and Eleanor Fried­berg­er…

  • We got down to the nitty-gritty and talked about quality-of-life crimes.

    Not only does SiCKO expose the HMO prob­lem effec­tive­ly, it also is like a trav­el guide for a bet­ter qual­i­ty of life. In fact, it intro­duced those who wait­ed for the cred­its to this. In all seri­ous­ness, Moore final­ly man­ages to make a film that lives up to the promise of Roger & Me, the…

  • What would Antonio Negri do?

    I’ve crossed over into total film dweeb sta­tus. Not a film geek, mind you; I haven’t paid close atten­tion to what’s new and note­wor­thy since I left the video store, and even less since I left TLA alto­geth­er [it’s been almost a year already: wow] so when I read Ous­mane Sem­bene’s obit­u­ary a week and…