Author: J T. Ramsay
Are you gonna finish your fries?
Lil’ Wayne’s Da Drought 3 mixtape got on my radar yesterday morning. Last night it made it’s way into my top ten list. I know, I know: mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa. Maybe it’s this year’s Fishscale or Hell Hath No Fury. Call me a tokenist, but I don’t think I’m alone in…
It doesn’t change the fact that it’s outrageously expensive.
The first wave of reviews are in from all the usual suspects. [I’d link to David Pogue’s iPhone video diary, but it crashed on me and I suspect it’ll be doing that for a little while at least. Here’s Walt Mossberg’s video instead.] It’s not surprising that everyone loves the iPhone with few reservations, most…
I promise that you’ll only feel a pinch.
If you haven’t already seen Jonestown, a documentary film about the Jonestown massacre, please do. Not only does it shed light on Jim Jones’ shadowy world of deceit and control, but it also gives evidence as to why folks would’ve been freaked out by socialist utopians. Of course, freaked out above and beyond the massive…
He wrote under the spell of a sleepwalking consciousness.
“At seventeen I ran away from home. I think every decent person should run away from home.” M reminded me what a Fritz Lang nut I am. I’ve seen the Mabuse pictures, Metropolis of course and a few of his American productions, but M really is something else. Peter Lorre’s performance alone — so expressive, so…
You might try getting out more often.
Since my plea for advice re: music to look out for I’ve gotten several lovely responses. Thank you very much! A quick update on what’s happening with Blackmail Is My Life: Major car purchase like tomorrow. Not music related, until you factor in the sweet iPod jack Priuses have standard. Awesome fun taking pictures with Helen’s…