Author: J T. Ramsay

  • If Don Quixote were a feminist…

    There’s an inter­view with Pedro Almod­ovar on Volver that real­ly changed my think­ing about his char­ac­ters. In response to why he writes such beau­ti­ful­ly strong women into his films, he claims that it’s based on mem­o­ries from youth, that women ran the home when he observed them as a child, even if men were either…

  • You might call him slumlord of the dance.

    Unless Jess, Ronan, Philip, Jack or Gee­ta pipe any­thing else direct­ly into my ear via the blo­gos­phere or the var­i­ous out­lets to which they con­tribute, I can safe­ly say that Gui Borat­to and Jus­tice will prob­a­bly be my token dance records of the year. I still need to hear the Field and Pan­tha du Prince…

  • Even Norwegians will indulge in frippery now and then.

    Shin­ing’s take on King Crim­son’s “21st Cen­tu­ry Schizoid Man.” That is all. [MySpace]

  • At least get them to waive the application fees.

    Will the next album be called Boomerang or A.B.D. at UMich?

  • Remember that some folks work on the weekend.

    Remem­ber how I was just bitch­ing about the sor­ry state of affairs Music ’07? Well, I think I’m half right. The New Pornog­ra­phers’ Chal­lengers phones in more of the same mid-tem­po pop they record­ed for Twin Cin­e­ma. The best part of “My Rights ver­sus Yours” steals the open­ing gui­tar chords from “Good Day Sun­shine.” Check…