Author: J T. Ramsay

  • There are helicopters, napalm and children.

    28 Weeks Lat­er, the hero­less sequel to Dan­ny Boyle’s excel­lent 28 Days Lat­er, does for zom­bie movies what Chil­dren of Men did for dystopi­an thrillers. Direc­tor Juan Fres­nadil­lo uses famil­iar scenes from Iraq and Kat­ri­na to crit­i­cize U.S. mil­i­tary involve­ment and the val­ue the gov­ern­ment places on civil­ians, some­how man­ag­ing to nev­er get bogged down…

  • A rare circumstance where television might really help you.

    I vot­ed for Michael Nut­ter today. A few weeks ago this seemed like a protest vote — the kind favored gen­er­al­ly by the well-edu­cat­ed Age of Reform Part One types who typ­i­cal­ly also believe that plu­ral­ism works, a thou­sand flow­ers bloom, etc. I went into the vot­ing booth today believ­ing that Amer­i­ca’s may­oral­ties might be…

  • In the future even books will have video trailers.

    It’s like the office, but instead of Tim and Dawn [or what­ev­er the Amer­i­can coun­ter­parts are named] it’s a romance between an unnamed nar­ra­tor and the office itself. And all it’s inhab­i­tants, sort of. One of those two enti­ties [the office or the unnamed nar­ra­tor] has a MySpace. And an amaz­ing­ly pro­duced web­site. Check them…

  • And you thought it was just zombie masters and crooked cops.

    PTW’s got a pret­ty nice Bal­ti­more scene mix­tape at the ready. Looks pret­ty cool but keep an eye out for Chris, Snoop and Omar anyway.

  • It was pitch black save the barlight.

    It’s old news now, but Kele­fa got shook at Deer­hunter. I was impressed. They made play­ing in the dark seem more nov­el to me, but maybe that’s just because it was a nice reprieve from the steady diet of red that usu­al­ly floods the stage. The Flu­o­res­cent Grey EP is easy lis­ten­ing com­pared to Cryp­tograms,…