Author: J T. Ramsay

  • Oh, so you’re with “the media” then?

    Remem­ber how I said The Fad­er was more or less worth­less, except for the awe­some pic­tures they take and then I post­ed some­thing they did about No Age at SXSW? It’s still true. On the oth­er hand, when Ben Ratliff talks Ocril­im, Black Dice and No Age in the pages of The Times, it’s com­plete­ly…

  • He destroyed my apartment and killed my cat.

    Kurt Von­negut, dead at 84. I’ll amend this post lat­er when I’m not scram­bling out the door for work. I won­der if it did­n’t occur to him to write an epi­taph on his kitchen wall in feces. [Spe­cial thanks to my 10th grade Eng­lish teacher Phil Rep­ko who sur­rep­ti­tious­ly intro­duced me to Von­negut. Upon hand­ing me…

  • What exactly would you say you do here?

    Pitch­fork contributor/Paper Thin Walls editor/gmail chat bud­dy Bran­don Sto­suy asks Excepter what they do 9–5. Stere­ogum’s “Quit Your Day Job” is sort of like a Works Progress project doc­u­ment­ing indie rock employ­ment culture.

  • I don’t want to work in a building downtown, but I do it for the money.

    That Arcade Fire record every­one’s going on about, myself includ­ed, should be pret­ty well split between Spring­steen and Echo, right? Wrong. Carl Wil­son at Zoilus noticed that things are swing­ing in the Boss’ direc­tion and that it’s now cool to reclaim him for us, whomev­er that may be. You’ve seen the Spring­steen trib­ute con­cert pho­tos,…

  • It helps to envision an army of “Army of Me.”

    Lis­ten: Björk — Earth Intrud­ers [via Idolator] It’s been twelve years since I first heard her and I still can’t get over her voice. [Longer than that maybe? Did I catch a Sug­ar­cubes video at a friend’s house as a kid? Was it dur­ing a hos­pi­tal vis­it as a teenag­er? That might’ve been it: I…