Author: J T. Ramsay

  • Exactly how do Sacco & Vanzetti fit into The Life Aquatic?

    I’m not crazy about the “this is so rel­e­vant to our times” sen­ti­ment that seems to be the dri­ving force here, but peo­ple real­ly seem to enjoy crude hermeneu­tics by learned talk­ing heads more than stuffy, fig­ure-it-out-your­self exegesis.

  • He grew increasingly hostile, then collapsed in a heap.

    Crit­ics! Eter­nal medi­oc­rity liv­ing off genius by den­i­grat­ing and exploit­ing it! Race of cockchafers slash­ing the finest pages of art to shreds! I’m so fed up with typog­ra­phy and the mis­use peo­ple make of it that if the Emper­or were to abol­ish all print­ing tomor­row, I should walk all the way to Paris on my…

  • Try to imagine the sound of two-handed tapping.

    Let me direct your atten­tion to one of the best pieces about women musi­cians that isn’t anoth­er “women in rock, don’cha know” arti­cle, fea­tur­ing BMIML fave Marnie Stern.

  • You see, I’m trying my best to be honest with you.

    Since Philadel­phia emerged from Feb­ru­ary’s nuclear win­ter con­di­tions, I’ve been get­ting out more, which means spend­ing less time in movie the­aters. I need to get in to see Mafioso [check out A.O. Scot­t’s video review here] and prob­a­bly Zodi­ac, even though it smacks of also-ran Oscar refuse, jet­ti­soned safe­ly in the postseason.

  • Please pardon the service interruption.

    I’ve had spo­radic inter­net access the past sev­er­al days. Also, I got a new job that I’m pret­ty excit­ed about!