Author: J T. Ramsay

  • If you wouldn’t mind, please contact my people.

    Marathon­packs’ Eric Har­vey tries to unpack what both­ers him about Girl Talk. I’ll sim­ply refer you to this post at Riff Mar­ket, which more or less sums up my feel­ings about Girl Talk. It’s a “sub­tle­ty” that Eric miss­es out on, anoth­er inter­me­di­ary lay­er for Girl Talk’s “pub­lic” per­sona, the irony here being that we…

  • You better ask Tally first.

    If you like elec­tric Miles, or just On the Cor­ner, you bet­ter sit down. A six disc box called Bey-on‑d the Cor­ner has been unof­fi­cial­ly announced for release lat­er this year.

  • Are you there God? It’s me, Arthur.

    Jay Bab­cock lays his half of Arthur to rest in L.A. Since being declared either “dead” or “on hia­tus” last month, Arthur quick­ly became the Anna Nicole Smith of music rags, and appar­ent­ly Bab­cock chose to get the corpse in the ground as fast as he could.

  • Who wants yesterday’s papers?

    Lis­ten: Deer­hunter — “White Ink” Last night’s Front­line report on the cat and mouse between main­stream media and new media was pret­ty enlight­en­ing. It was also a telling illus­tra­tion of how Amer­i­ca’s pri­or­i­ties have changed under dereg­u­la­tion, begin­ning with the Rea­gan Admin­is­tra­tion. Most impor­tant­ly per­haps is that we’re now liv­ing under the crass tute­lage of…

  • Next stop: Tati-ville!

    Tati’s sense of mod­ernistic detach­ment remind­ed me the like­ly apoc­ryphal tale that John Ford shot The Grapes of Wrath in Arkansas because it looked more like Okla­homa. As a kid, I remem­ber see­ing La Défense from a bus and maybe we stopped there, but if we did I took no pic­tures of it. It felt…