Author: J T. Ramsay
If you wouldn’t mind, please contact my people.
Marathonpacks’ Eric Harvey tries to unpack what bothers him about Girl Talk. I’ll simply refer you to this post at Riff Market, which more or less sums up my feelings about Girl Talk. It’s a “subtlety” that Eric misses out on, another intermediary layer for Girl Talk’s “public” persona, the irony here being that we…
You better ask Tally first.
If you like electric Miles, or just On the Corner, you better sit down. A six disc box called Bey-on‑d the Corner has been unofficially announced for release later this year.
Are you there God? It’s me, Arthur.
Jay Babcock lays his half of Arthur to rest in L.A. Since being declared either “dead” or “on hiatus” last month, Arthur quickly became the Anna Nicole Smith of music rags, and apparently Babcock chose to get the corpse in the ground as fast as he could.
Who wants yesterday’s papers?
Listen: Deerhunter — “White Ink” Last night’s Frontline report on the cat and mouse between mainstream media and new media was pretty enlightening. It was also a telling illustration of how America’s priorities have changed under deregulation, beginning with the Reagan Administration. Most importantly perhaps is that we’re now living under the crass tutelage of…
Next stop: Tati-ville!
Tati’s sense of modernistic detachment reminded me the likely apocryphal tale that John Ford shot The Grapes of Wrath in Arkansas because it looked more like Oklahoma. As a kid, I remember seeing La Défense from a bus and maybe we stopped there, but if we did I took no pictures of it. It felt…