Author: J T. Ramsay
I couldn’t invoke Ian McCulloch without elaborating further.
Listen: Arcade Fire — “Black Mirror” Without belaboring the point, the new Arcade Fire record came as a complete surprise. There’s nary a trace of the Bright Eyes desperation to be found, which to me was the ruin of Funeral. Neon Bible is darker and moodier without as much effort. Sometimes it’s Ocean Rain, others…
The army, remember?
Playtime is to film what Exercises in Style is to literature. Tati’s heroic buffoon Hulot returns as Everyman, sometimes quite literally, in this Chaplinesque ballet.
It’s like early morning darkness.
I think it’s because they’re not trying so hard to be Springsteen that Neon Bible really works for me. They just happened to arrive there and then realized it wasn’t so bad. And since they sound like Echo & the Bunnymen sometimes, just as accidentally, it’s a nice change of pace. Twenty years from now, I…
Now for an exercise in high seriousness.
In the big picture, this stereotype was brief, lasting just over two and a half years. Turns out though that for about an hour a day, Comedy Central is pretty sophisticated…and literate too! Immediately afterward the Naked Trucker, Carlos Mencia and the Blue Collar Comedy guys appear to explain the shadows at the back of…
You can’t tell me this is not a suave thing to do.
Iggy Pop and the Stooges sit down to talk with the New York Times.