Author: J T. Ramsay
We agree that Darth Vader displayed greater emotional range.
Wandering into Pan’s Labyrinth is not the same as trying to find Frankenstein’s monster, but it’s close. I’m not really sure why del Toro’s critics would compare his work to a Spanish film with superficial similarities; I’m guessing that many of them, like myself, were only recently made aware of Erice’s masterpiece thanks to the…
And then I joined the beta test band.
Dear Cingular, You’re commercials suggest that you have few dropped calls. This is wrong. Your service is so bad in my neighborhood [19125, holla at your boy] that I’ve considered keying the Cingular-branded truck that’s often parked at the intersection of York and Cedar. Your new music service is idiotic, and I think Apple made…
This could end up being something I truly regret.
Here’s me praising a band that’s following the same career arc as Guided By Voices. I guess it’s nominally “punk.” Times New Viking’s Present the Paisley Reich is the sort of album that will either pleasantly surprise you for sounding so fresh yet familiar or make you roll your eyes for seeming so derivative. The…
Wherein we repeat “The Story of Yo La Tango.”
Having woken up late for breakfast the morning indie rock was served, I totally missed out on Yo La Tengo. By rights, Yo La Tengo and the Matador cohort should’ve been mainstays of WDRE playlists, yet somehow they were lost in a miasma of Morrissey, Belly and other early nineties alternative rock faves. Some say…
There are many, many opinions on the matter.
[Video via Angry Citizen] Remember when I mentioned that thing about David Cross and Stephen Malkmus? Well, it was an effort in hunting trivia for Mr. Cross to use during the Inside the Rocker’s Studio segment of the 2007 PLUG Awards at which SM received a lifetime achievement award. Overall, reactions seem mixed at best, ranging…