Author: J T. Ramsay

  • Christopher Owens – Lysandre

    If you’ve read the reviews of Christo­pher Owens’ Lysan­dre, you’ll find quite a few crit­ics who wished he’d nev­er left Girls. His solo debut may have under­whelmed most crit­ics, but it’s a charm­ing col­lec­tion of pais­ley melan­cho­lia. I can’t get enough. But don’t take my word for it. Read Aquar­i­um Drunk­ard’s even­hand­ed take here.

  • Find Your 100%

    I’m new to a show with ze frank, but there’s some good wis­dom in this video. It’s amaz­ing how much more engaged you are with work if you’re able to com­mit com­plete­ly to some­thing you enjoy.

  • The Flaming Lips — The Terror

    The Flam­ing Lips are one of those bands that releas­es a stun­ning album like The Soft Bul­letin, fol­lows up with a hit record like Yoshi­mi…, los­es the thread with At War With the Mys­tics then returns to form ten years lat­er with the painful­ly under­rat­ed Embry­on­ic. Need­less to say I’m very excit­ed for The Ter­ror.…

  • Matthew Friedberger at Dusted

    Matthew Fried­berg­er fea­tured in Dust­ed Mag­a­zine’s List­ed. Read it for his fond remem­brance of Dick Allen.

  • What’s Next for Music Criticism?

    While I’m pret­ty sure some of the arti­cles pro­nounc­ing music crit­i­cism dead have reached puber­ty at this point, there remains an open ques­tion of its val­ue (and virtue). Is it pos­si­ble that the future of music crit­i­cism isn’t writ­ten? That’s not a rhetor­i­cal ques­tion. Is it pos­si­ble that the future of music crit­i­cism is…vlogging? I’ll…