Author: J T. Ramsay
Christopher Owens – Lysandre
If you’ve read the reviews of Christopher Owens’ Lysandre, you’ll find quite a few critics who wished he’d never left Girls. His solo debut may have underwhelmed most critics, but it’s a charming collection of paisley melancholia. I can’t get enough. But don’t take my word for it. Read Aquarium Drunkard’s evenhanded take here.
Find Your 100%
I’m new to a show with ze frank, but there’s some good wisdom in this video. It’s amazing how much more engaged you are with work if you’re able to commit completely to something you enjoy.
The Flaming Lips — The Terror
The Flaming Lips are one of those bands that releases a stunning album like The Soft Bulletin, follows up with a hit record like Yoshimi…, loses the thread with At War With the Mystics then returns to form ten years later with the painfully underrated Embryonic. Needless to say I’m very excited for The Terror.…
Matthew Friedberger at Dusted
Matthew Friedberger featured in Dusted Magazine’s Listed. Read it for his fond remembrance of Dick Allen.
What’s Next for Music Criticism?
While I’m pretty sure some of the articles pronouncing music criticism dead have reached puberty at this point, there remains an open question of its value (and virtue). Is it possible that the future of music criticism isn’t written? That’s not a rhetorical question. Is it possible that the future of music criticism is…vlogging? I’ll…