Author: J T. Ramsay

  • You found yourself reading a dog-eared copy of Hard Times again.

    This is prob­a­bly per­fect for those frozen morn­ing hang­overs we all have from time to time, or at least it sounds like one of those frozen morn­ing hang­overs. Black­mail Is My Life eager­ly antic­i­pates new Psy­chic Para­mount material.

  • We should probably talk about priorities.

    Wel­come to 2007, right? Sor­ry for my extend­ed absence, but lets say that a New Year’s Day rain­storm com­bined with a post­poned Mum­mer’s Day Parade for an impromp­tu move to the new place that’s just about ended. A few admin­is­tra­tive things: Over the course of the extend­ed absence, I’d hoped to post my Idol­a­tor Jackin’ Pop…

  • We argued the meaning of “White Christmas.”

    Lis­ten: Ken­ny Rogers — Ken­tucky Home­made Christmas I’m def­i­nite­ly start­ing to feel the hol­i­day spir­it, just not for Imaad Wasif. I pre­fer my hol­i­day favorites schmaltzy and loud. If you’re going to be sen­ti­men­tal, make them drunk­en, mawk­ish affairs. But then again, I grew up lis­ten­ing to this, John­ny Math­is and Anne Mur­ray on a…

  • Everyone’s off to the style wars.

    Lis­ten: Spank Rock - Lind­say Lohan’s Revenge [via Goril­la vs. Bear] It was dur­ing the trag­ic third act of this doc­u­men­tary about Vil­lanova’s nation­al bas­ket­ball title that it I was remind­ed of anoth­er of 2006 short-lived neol­o­gisms: gallery rap. Ear­ly this year, Spank Rock’s YoY­oY­oY­oYo revived the mid-eight­ies hiphop poly­glot. A com­bi­na­tion of old school…

  • Let that 9mm turn a fella ghostly.

    Lis­ten: Demo­nolo­gists — Unhealthy Cul­ture Lis­ten: Scott Walk­er — Clara Lis­ten: Clipse — Ride around Shining As quick­ly as hauntol­ogy arrived, it got bust­ed. Every­one laughed at last year’s EMP top­ic in whig­gish­ness as it applies to music and cul­tur­al crit, but Reynolds’ attempt at mak­ing spu­ri­ous link­ages sexy, if not plau­si­ble, is de rigeur.…