Author: J T. Ramsay

  • These are a few of my favorite things.

    Just a few notes before get­ting into the year end heavy hitters: 2nd & 3rd gen­er­a­tion Mp3 blogs — Sure, they’ve been hat­ed on and torn apart over ethics and style in the past year, but there’s no sur­er con­denser of inter­net efflu­via than a trust­wor­thy, or short of that, well-traf­ficked mp3 blog. The emer­gence…

  • I’ve pictured you in coffins.

    My first review for Paper Thin Walls is up. Two words: free down­loads. Today’s are all met­al, like­ly the last such post of the year. You should go there now and down­load Mon­day’s Rivulets track too if you can. Seri­ous­ly, it’s like Pitch­fork, except the parts you read — just news, sin­gles reviews and the mp3s to…

  • And if you get hooked, baby, it’s no one else’s fault!

    Heard this on the radio a few nights ago and it blew my mind all over again. Dit­to for the video, direct­ed by Spike Lee, which skew­ers all the cocaine “in-jokes” you’ve ever heard. Drip­ping with irony, it’s also the best repack­ag­ing of Liq­uid Liq­uid ever.

  • It must’ve happened when Yow shaved Westie’s beard.

    Down­load: Geisha — Acci­dents [Cru­cial Blast Records] Since I don’t usu­al­ly start threads on ILM, Scott start­ed one for me [Con­fi­den­tial to Scott: please save some of your spas­tic prose for your blog!] This one is about nu-pig­fuck bands like Clock­clean­er, Pissed Jeans…and prac­ti­cal­ly the entire Cru­cial Blast ros­ter. Nu-pig­fuck has been an emer­gent trend,…

  • Goodnight to the rock ’n’ roll era.

    Full report from Clock­clean­er & Drag­on City shows tomorrow.