Author: J T. Ramsay
And therein lies the difference, and therein…
It seems voters rejected anti-immigrant vitriol when it spewed from the mouths of candidates, but when that same rhetoric came in the faceless form of citizen’s initiatives that mixed fiscal austerity with xenophobia — voters swallowed the bait. Why should your tax dollars go to services for illegal immigrants? This was the message that anti-immigrant…
There’s no culture, there’s no spies!
For all the sixth borough talk that’s gone on in the past year, there’s one thing that’s undeniable: Philadelphia is a city without film culture. Apart from what’s curated at International House or appears haphazardly at local colleges, there’s no independent or repertory cinema to speak of. The two Philadelphia film festivals are spotty at…
Yeah, all those stars drip down like butter, and promises are sweet.
Meme alert! R.E.M. versus U2 cropped up everywhere last week. It’s not a new argument, but the revival of this debate is apropos of, well, nothing. But last week there were articles in Stylus and Slate, followed by commentary at Rolling Stone. My personal favorite is a headscratcher, but trying to choose between Achtung, Baby…
Here’s a house to put wolves out the door.
Rumsfeld’s resignation comes about two and a half years too late. But if perception is greater than reality, by creating a softer image of compromise and reason, Bush gives a sop to Democrats eager to feel as though they’ve influenced something and galvanizes a conservative movement thirsting for martyrdom. This is the stuff that helps…
I can see through your masks.
Celebration plays The Troc tomorrow night. How they ended up on a bill with Blood Brothers and And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead is beyond me.