Author: J T. Ramsay
You wouldn’t know what to say to yourself.
Full recap of TV on the Radio and Beck later, w/ photos Reviews of The Science of Sleep and Marie Antoinette, too [Philebrity got me!]
Kissing Satan in the dark of the nightside eclipse.
New Coffins album just in time for Halloween! Links updated to include Paper Thin Walls [news and singles] and Noiseweek. A must! Live review of Saturday’s sold out Grizzly Bear/TV on the Radio/Save Darfur show at Starlight Ballroom. [Caught 60 Minutes & read NYTimes today. Darfur, definitely not saved by MySpace benefit shows. Not sure American…
We had no idea that it would be the last time.
Consider this a eulogy for an arts space and a venue, right in the barren waste of Center City, with no neighborhood support for the arts, no colonnade of crap shops and bars lining the street as you approach; on the contrary, nothing but an empty parking lot greets visitors as they approach the Gilbert…
Smoking in the hallway at the Mountain Bar & Grill.
Quick psych, metal, windswept Australian folk, drone & dub/twostep roundup: Gojira — From Mars to Sirius Jutok Kaneko/Takahisa Kikukawa — Wedged Night LP [pictured] LSD March [show review forthcoming; sample here] Kode 9 + Spaceape, Burial, Various, anything with dub/trip-hop/twostep feel Grails — Black Tar Prophecies vols 1, 2, & 3 Devastations & The Drones, still.…
Auf wiedersehen, adieu, vi ses, etc…
Tomorrow night. TV on the Radio, w/ Grizzly Bear. Sold out. Pics and story to follow. Listen in: I Was a Lover You have plans Sunday night too. Vox Populi is moving, thanks to a wrongheaded expansion of Philadelphia’s Convention Center. What was easily one of the most comfortable, most interesting, and best sounding venues in…