Author: J T. Ramsay

  • You wouldn’t know what to say to yourself.

    Full recap of TV on the Radio and Beck lat­er, w/ photos Reviews of The Sci­ence of Sleep and Marie Antoinette, too [Philebri­ty got me!]

  • Kissing Satan in the dark of the nightside eclipse.

    New Coffins album just in time for Halloween! Links updat­ed to include Paper Thin Walls [news and sin­gles] and Noise­week. A must! Live review of Sat­ur­day’s sold out Griz­zly Bear/TV on the Radio/Save Dar­fur show at Starlight Ball­room. [Caught 60 Min­utes & read NYTimes today. Dar­fur, def­i­nite­ly not saved by MySpace ben­e­fit shows. Not sure Amer­i­can…

  • We had no idea that it would be the last time.

    Con­sid­er this a eulo­gy for an arts space and a venue, right in the bar­ren waste of Cen­ter City, with no neigh­bor­hood sup­port for the arts, no colon­nade of crap shops and bars lin­ing the street as you approach; on the con­trary, noth­ing but an emp­ty park­ing lot greets vis­i­tors as they approach the Gilbert…

  • Smoking in the hallway at the Mountain Bar & Grill.

    Quick psych, met­al, windswept Aus­tralian folk, drone & dub/twostep roundup: Goji­ra — From Mars to Sirius Jutok Kaneko/Takahisa Kikukawa — Wedged Night LP [pic­tured] LSD March [show review forth­com­ing; sam­ple here] Kode 9 + Spaceape, Bur­ial, Var­i­ous, any­thing with dub/trip-hop/t­wostep feel Grails — Black Tar Prophe­cies vols 1, 2, & 3 Dev­as­ta­tions & The Drones, still.…

  • Auf wiedersehen, adieu, vi ses, etc…

    Tomor­row night. TV on the Radio, w/ Griz­zly Bear. Sold out. Pics and sto­ry to follow. Lis­ten in: I Was a Lover You have plans Sun­day night too. Vox Pop­uli is mov­ing, thanks to a wrong­head­ed expan­sion of Philadel­phi­a’s Con­ven­tion Cen­ter. What was eas­i­ly one of the most com­fort­able, most inter­est­ing, and best sound­ing venues in…