Author: J T. Ramsay

  • Oh dear.

    Rhys Chatham’s Essen­tial­ist @ CEC 9/8/2006 It was actu­al­ly a lit­tle quaint. And Mr. Smith overde­ter­mines the influ­ence of South­ern Lord on Chatham’s set; run­ning through a few rehashed Slay­er and Black Album-era Metal­li­ca riffs is nei­ther avant-garde nor met­al. No. It’s “high cul­ture” slum­ming as “low cul­ture”, which is both pedan­tic and patron­iz­ing. As…

  • White heat.

    I’m not com­plete­ly cer­tain that this will have its intend­ed effect, but the video illus­trates, to me at least, Amer­i­ca’s ongo­ing love affair with plutocracy.

  • What’s the frequency, Kenneth?

    Yes­ter­day marked the last sum­mer broad­cast of Mari­a’s Her Jazz pro­gram on WPRB. It was only my sec­ond time vis­it­ing the sta­tion and, man, was it ever a great expe­ri­ence. She has the set list here, with my songs list­ed in italics. I con­cen­trat­ed in the will­ful­ly obscure to share weird, hard to find and…


    Tune in to WPRB 103.3 tomor­row between 2 and 5 PM to hear Black­mail Is My Life broad­cast on Her Jazz! What’s on tap? Fri­da Hyvo­nen, Rhys Chatham, The Drones and many more. Be sure to tune in and eat up your office’s band­width! Feel the wrath of the IT department!


    And I thought that this was a suf­fi­cient bene­dic­tion. I was wrong.