Author: J T. Ramsay

  • It’s nice out.

  • “New Releases” Sounds So Cathartic!

    Reflec­tions on the cul­ture wars. It’s just what hap­pens when you put peo­ple who’ve stud­ied labor mar­kets and read Fou­cault and Marx into a retail envi­ron­ment. [via S/FJ ] More on Lin­klater’s A Scan­ner Dark­ly and Melville’s Army of Shad­ows shortly. Mean­while, I’m busy with: Dana Spi­ot­ta’s Eat the Doc­u­ment [via Tal­ly Ho Soundsys­tem]; revis­it­ing…

  • Jewel in: Thorstein Veblen, Screwed ‘n’ Chopped!

    Via MTV News: Nick­elodeon will pre­miere a new car­toon cre­at­ed by, writ­ten by, and star­ring Jew­el this Fall. It’ll be called Punk Rock Angel Girl. In the series, Punk Rock Angel Girl (PRAG) “dis­cov­ers that a big, face­less cor­po­ra­tion called Mega­corp is try­ing to brain­wash the youth of Amer­i­ca to buy things that nobody would ever…

  • Cryptopsy in: Once Was Not — Negations and Other Pleasantries, Live!

    Cryp­top­sy Wed., July 19, 7:30pm. $12. With Left to Van­ish, Killing + Decom­posed. First Uni­tar­i­an Church, 2125 Chest­nut St. 866.468.7619. Last year’s Once Was Not marked Cryp­top­sy’s tri­umphant return from a five-year hia­tus. A char­ac­ter­is­ti­cal­ly bru­tal yet instru­men­tal­ly mas­ter­ful album rife with with­er­ing gui­tars, drum­mer Flo Mounier’s relent­less blast­beats and some of the grimmest…

  • Hot Chip vs. Xtina, Rihanna & Sean Paul in: 2006 Singles

    Some favorites aka, what keeps me teth­ered to reality: Chamil­lion­aire — “Ridin’ ” [Turf the yard or town square or local park if you like. Ryan Zim­mer­man, Nation­als third base­man, uses this for his bat­ting music. Pret­ty fucked.] Rihan­na — “S.O.S.” Christi­na Aguil­era — “Ain’t No Oth­er Man” Sean Paul — “Tem­per­a­ture” [Favorite cen­sus tak­er, ever.] Des­tiny’s Child…