Author: J T. Ramsay
It’s nice out.
“New Releases” Sounds So Cathartic!
Reflections on the culture wars. It’s just what happens when you put people who’ve studied labor markets and read Foucault and Marx into a retail environment. [via S/FJ ] More on Linklater’s A Scanner Darkly and Melville’s Army of Shadows shortly. Meanwhile, I’m busy with: Dana Spiotta’s Eat the Document [via Tally Ho Soundsystem]; revisiting…
Jewel in: Thorstein Veblen, Screwed ‘n’ Chopped!
Via MTV News: Nickelodeon will premiere a new cartoon created by, written by, and starring Jewel this Fall. It’ll be called Punk Rock Angel Girl. In the series, Punk Rock Angel Girl (PRAG) “discovers that a big, faceless corporation called Megacorp is trying to brainwash the youth of America to buy things that nobody would ever…
Cryptopsy in: Once Was Not — Negations and Other Pleasantries, Live!
Cryptopsy Wed., July 19, 7:30pm. $12. With Left to Vanish, Killing + Decomposed. First Unitarian Church, 2125 Chestnut St. 866.468.7619. Last year’s Once Was Not marked Cryptopsy’s triumphant return from a five-year hiatus. A characteristically brutal yet instrumentally masterful album rife with withering guitars, drummer Flo Mounier’s relentless blastbeats and some of the grimmest…
Hot Chip vs. Xtina, Rihanna & Sean Paul in: 2006 Singles
Some favorites aka, what keeps me tethered to reality: Chamillionaire — “Ridin’ ” [Turf the yard or town square or local park if you like. Ryan Zimmerman, Nationals third baseman, uses this for his batting music. Pretty fucked.] Rihanna — “S.O.S.” Christina Aguilera — “Ain’t No Other Man” Sean Paul — “Temperature” [Favorite census taker, ever.] Destiny’s Child…