Author: J T. Ramsay

  • Is it getting heavy?

    Don­na con­sult­ed her twen­ty-dol­lar elec­tric Timex wrist­watch, which he had giv­en her. “About thir­ty-eight min­utes. Hey.” Her face bright­ened. “Bob, I got the wolf book with me — you want to look at it now? It’s got a lot of heavy shit in it, if you can dig it.” “Life,” Bar­ris said, as if to him­self,…

  • Minority Report

    Minor­i­ty Report: First Quar­ter Sin­gles & Albums 2006. Com­ing soon!

  • True love never runs smooth.

    Gene Pit­ney — 1940 — 2006

  • This Sporting Life

    Set in post-war York­shire, This Sport­ing Life tells the sto­ry of Frank Machin, a coal min­er turned rug­by star. A damn­ing com­men­tary on the sti­fling Eng­lish tra­di­tion of val­ues and class, mak­ing it the very antithe­sis of George Cuko­r’s My Fair Lady. Mach­in’s hard-bit­ten expe­ri­ences pre­fig­ure mod cul­ture: an upstart dying to be accept­ed, yet…

  • Formed a band!

    Art Brut w/ Gil Man­ter­a’s Par­ty Dream — First Uni­tar­i­an Church, 8 p.m. Did they miss their “hype cycle”? Maybe. But that does­n’t detract from the non­sen­si­cal, in-jokey cheek­i­ness that made Bang Bang Rock & Roll one of last year’s fun­ni­est records. With a wink and a pump­ing fist, Eddie Argos tells the sto­ry of…