Author: J T. Ramsay

  • Cheated hearts.

    Yeah Yeah Yeahs w/ Blood on the Wall — The Tro­cadero April 5, 2006 Show Your Bones may not sat­is­fy fans look­ing for pre­tenders to The Pre­tenders hard-bit­ten vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty, but enig­mat­ic, extro­vert­ed front­woman Karen O. still pro­vides good val­ue for the enter­tain­ment dol­lar, prov­ing that the mil­lenial hype for the New York sound was­n’t com­plete­ly off…

  • Cha-ching!

    The tec­ton­ic changes fac­ing media com­pa­nies are by now the top­ic of an often-recit­ed ser­mon. Put briefly, dig­i­tal tech­nol­o­gy is plac­ing con­trol over much infor­ma­tion square­ly in the hands of con­sumers and cre­at­ing all kinds of oppor­tu­ni­ties for new entrants who can push the rev­o­lu­tion forward. And… These are new-media ven­tures that leave the com­pe­ti­tion…

  • What did you do in the war?

    This 18th C. Adap­ta­tion pits Felli­ni against Mon­ty Python and treats Lau­rence Sterne’s unedit­ed mas­ter­piece as it should right­ful­ly be treat­ed: as though no one has ever read the book in its entire­ty, pre­fer­ring the idea itself over an actu­al telling. The film already has some­thing of a folk­lore: it was shot in five days,…

  • Police and thieves in the street.

    David Den­by’s Tory take on V for Vendet­ta came as some­thing of a sur­prise. Ignor­ing anar­chism alto­geth­er, Den­by takes the Dad­dy War­bucks short-course in lib­er­al democ­ra­cy, the sort of good for the goose blath­er that reach­es equal­ly abrupt and sim­ple-mind­ed con­clu­sions about rad­i­cal vio­lence as it does the per­va­sive good of the sta­tus quo.

  • 20th Century Man

    Ray Davies — Irv­ing Plaza, March 25, 2006 Play­ing to a packed house, Ray Davies opened Sat­ur­day night with “I’m Not Like Every­body Else”, an ode to rebel­lious indi­vid­u­al­i­ty and a sting­ing tes­ta­ment to his nar­cis­sism. Late­ly the song’s been fea­tured in IBM com­mer­cials that show office work­ers lip-synch­ing the lyrics as they go about their…