Author: J T. Ramsay

  • Busy week.

    Back­stage at Clap Your Hands Say Yeah last Tuesday.

  • Hunters and collectors all come out at night.

    The newfound appreciation for CAN's second wave is a confounding piece of revisionism.

  • Sympathy for the Middle Man

    The music busi­ness is a cru­el and shal­low mon­ey trench, a long plas­tic hall­way where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There’s also a neg­a­tive side. - Hunter Thompson It’s a ques­tion of extreme pric­ing and sale. If there is no indie retail to help build new bands, we are left…

  • Emperor, no clothes, you can sort out the rest.

    A con­tro­ver­sy? It seems almost a shame that AIDS Wolf would get such a cur­so­ry dis­missal con­sid­er­ing the rich, con­tentious dis­cus­sion that brought Jes­si­ca Hop­per and Drew Daniel into the mix. Maybe the sig­nif­i­cance of invok­ing AIDS as a half-baked noise con­cept was­n’t worth the atten­tion; con­sid­er that teach­ing ABC’s has­n’t made Amer­i­ca more lit­er­ate…

  • It’s complicated.

    Things are hec­tic. This is cryp­tic. Con­tem­plate Male­vich’s Glit­ter­ing Grinder and Kafka’s tor­ture machine in “In the Penal Colony”. There’s a per­verse seren­i­ty there, some­thing Fou­cault­ian, some­thing Marx­i­an and more than just a lit­tle Weber­ian. In short, it’s heavy and work-related. Behold…the Arc­to­pus — “PAINcave” Parts & Labor — “Time­line”