Author: J T. Ramsay

  • This is the Music of Life

    John Tchi­cai Trio & Mar­shall Allen @ The Cin­e­ma, 3925 Wal­nut St., 8 p.m. Of Dan­ish and Con­golese decent, John Tchi­cai (b. 1936) is best known for his con­tri­bu­tion to John Coltrane’s 1965 new jazz mas­ter­piece, “Ascen­sion.” He co-found­ed the New York Con­tem­po­rary Five with Archie Shepp and Don Cher­ry as well at the New…

  • The First Amendment has a penumbra…

    But I think, as Mr. Jus­tice Bran­deis says, that apart from the Con­sti­tu­tion the gov­ern­ment ought not to use [277 U.S. 438, 470] evi­dence obtained and only obtain­able by a crim­i­nal act. There is no body of prece­dents by which we are bound, and which con­fines us to log­i­cal deduc­tion from estab­lished rules. There­fore we…

  • An Empty Glass on the Nightstand

    Pun­ish­ment, then, will tend to become the most hid­den part of the penal process. This has sev­er­al con­se­quences: it leaves the domain of more or less every­day per­cep­tion and enters that of abstract con­scious­ness; its effec­tive­ness is seen as result­ing from its inevitabil­i­ty, not from its vis­i­ble inten­si­ty; it is the cer­tain­ty of being pun­ished…

  • Blackmail Is My Life Turns 2

    Par­ty all week. Mup­pets Show Theme

  • Reading Sunday Morning Funnies w/ Hangover

    Man, it’s messy up here. Wolf Eyes, with Antho­ny Brax­ton — “Stabbed in the Face”