Author: J T. Ramsay

  • What’s The Matter With Kansas: The Ice Harvest

    This per­verse Dick­en­sian tale has the mak­ings of a mod­ern day Christ­mas clas­sic: a moral­i­ty play gone awry in almost too many ways to count, with a Scrooge who real­izes that even if he’s gen­er­ous, the bank accoun­t’s still full. There’s Christ­mas past, present and future, all rolled into one icy rain­storm as a Benz…

  • How to Disappear Completely, Vol. 3: Mr. Arkadin Returns!

    This is more than just good news. As I wrote here, this is a promis­ing film, but as usu­al Laserlight could­n’t have done any worse with han­dling and pre­sent­ing it. I have some details regard­ing the forth­com­ing Cri­te­ri­on release, but they’re unfor­tu­nate­ly not at my imme­di­ate dis­pos­al. Actu­al­ly, they’re already pub­lished!

  • It’s a Wonderful Life — Woody Allen’s Early Years

    There’s prob­a­bly no more over­looked fig­ure in my knowl­edge of film than Woody Allen. He’s always been on my radar; I saw Sleep­er as a pre-teen and knew imme­di­ate­ly that his was a sense of humor and a sen­si­bil­i­ty I could auto­mat­i­cal­ly appre­ci­ate. Annie Hall too. Maybe I thought that said too much about me,…