Author: J T. Ramsay
My Evolving Blogging Identity Crisis
Here we go again. No sooner do I announce Amortizing Ryan Howard then I change the name (and buy the URL) for High Leverage Inning. (Hey, it’s live!) This isn’t the first time this has happened and it probably won’t be the last. Throughout my bloggy tenure I’ve struggled with titles and platforms and channels…
Introducing Amortizing Ryan Howard
Because the world needed another baseball blog. You can find it here, where I will be Tumbling about all manner baseball stuff, whether it’s Phillies or not. (And, yes, this is my umpteenth stab at Tumblr. This could stick only because I really like reading and writing and thinking about baseball.) If you can recommend…
2011 NLDS Phillies vs Cardinals
Didn’t start or end pretty, but I can honestly say that what happened in between the first and ninth innings were truly inspired baseball. Halladay dominated, the offense erupted and Charlie went wild with the rally towel. It was an absurdly fun night at the ballpark, punctuated by the lone Cards fan in our row leaving…
In Praise of the 2011 Philadelphia Phillies
Never in my life did I believe that the Phillies would be the sort of dominant team fans link to the Yankees and Red Sox. The sort of team that “buys” championships. The sort of team that players want to join, even if it means taking a pay cut to do it. The kind of…
In Praise of Local Coffee
What’s your favorite locally-roasted bean? I’ve tried three recently myself: old favorite La Colombe as well as new jacks Green Street and ReAnimator. Is it blasphemy to say I prefer La Colombe? It may be my personal preference, but no matter how much coffee I brew, I just find that La Colombe has a better,…