Author: J T. Ramsay

  • Who Needs Birthday Presents?

    Once upon a time, I used to be a guy who com­piled lists — obses­sive­ly, even — of the movies and music I want­ed to acquire in some phys­i­cal for­mat. It made birth­days and Christ­mases so easy for every­one in my life. Dis­trib­ute the list and — voila — instant gifts! Now it’s not so…

  • The 2011 Phillies at the Trade Deadline

    Hunter Pence. It’s going to take the rest of the sea­son for me to decide how he improves this team. I know peo­ple are excit­ed, but I think there are oth­er issues, notably the pres­ences of Wil­son Valdez and Ben Fran­cis­co, who have late­ly become sur­plus to require­ments. Remov­ing Dom Brown from the every­day line­up…

  • I’ve Rejoined Tumblr

    You can fol­low Ram­say­ings: The Tum­blr by your pre­ferred method. Since I fol­low a dis­pro­por­tion­ate num­ber of music crit­ics there, it may be where I enter con­ver­sa­tions about stuff like that? Or pos­si­bly techi­er things? Or social media things? It’s a gar­den that’s grow­ing very quick­ly and I’m scram­bling to keep up. And, yes, I think…

  • #ripfest

    If you want to see a Cliffs Notes ver­sion of what I’m rip­ping and tak­ing to AKA some time in the next month or so, fol­low the #ripfest hash­tag on Twitter.  I’m going to be pret­ty aggres­sive about what I’m ditch­ing, so we’re talk­ing about some 600+ cds or so. If you’re inter­est­ed in any…

  • Everything Must Go!

    Not real­ly. I’m final­ly get­ting around to doing some­thing I threat­ened to do ages ago: rip the CDs I real­ly want to keep and sell the rest. Now I’m get­ting seri­ous and I’ve begun in earnest. Sure, I’ll keep some hard copies as back­up, but the bulk of it is going in a box and is…