Author: J T. Ramsay

  • In Praise of Puerto Rico Flowers

    Stopped over at Sharkey’s place last night (wel­come to the ‘hood, guy!) to pick up his new album under the Puer­to Rico Flow­ers moniker, “7.” This is just what I need­ed right now. And I know lots of peo­ple play the Joy Divi­sion card here, but I think Marc Mas­ters nailed it with the Depeche…

  • Charlie Turned Two!

    What a won­der­ful par­ty in the park! Feels like it was only yes­ter­day that he turned one: the But­ter­cream cup­cake truck; a pro­fes­sion­al pho­tog­ra­ph­er; tons of friends and fam­i­ly and a hot day on Lemon Hill for a very excit­ed (and sleepy) one-year-old boy. Now he’s two and the changes are so dra­mat­ic it’s hard…

  • Checking in on Your 2011 Philadelphia Phillies

    Can I just say that being a base­ball fan in this town would be much eas­i­er if peo­ple did­n’t pan­ic every time their first place team slumped? Slumps end. Appre­ci­ate the pitch­ing that you’re see­ing every night out there. Home runs are fun, but what we’re wit­ness­ing is down­right mag­i­cal. Soak it in. Lux­u­ri­ate in…

  • Charlie Loves Baseball

    A quick recap: Char­lie keeps a tick­et in his hat, just like Daddy. He likes to walk around, but shouts, “Miss­ing!” when he real­izes he’s not watch­ing the game. He dances to Jim­my Rollins’ at bat music. He got on the score­board again last night. He REALLY loves baseball.

  • A Lesson in Accumulation

    Remem­ber when you used to eval­u­ate prospec­tive friends by the books they read, the movies they watched and the music they lis­tened to? Feels like a long time ago, right? Less than 10 years ago I would still scur­ry to book­stores and record shops, or spend beyond my means on DVD sales online. Then that sud­den­ly…