Author: J T. Ramsay

  • Clifton Phifer Lee: Full Tilt Boogie

    Beer­lea­guer address­es Clif­f’s tilt prob­lem. Did you see that curve­ball he intro­duced around his 8th strike­out? It was so filthy it deserved an MA rat­ing. Watch high­lights here. Update: Matt Gelb gets down and dirty on Lee’s curve­ball.

  • In Praise of Dock Street Brewing Co.

    Ah, spring. It’s so nice to be out­side again. Noth­ing quite like run­ning Char­lie ragged in some nice parks. Thing about nice parks in Philadel­phia is that most of them are in West Philly. Helen and I may be river­ward  chau­vin­ists, but, man, I wish Penn Treaty Park were as nice as Clark Park. You know…

  • Thoughts on the 2011 Philadelphia Phillies

    They appear to be pret­ty good. Guess they answered the “but can they hit?” ques­tion ear­ly. Nev­er thought Wil­son Valdez and Ben Fran­cis­co would be ear­ly heroes. Polan­co’s not shab­by either. How much do you want to bet that Jim­my’s talk­ing to Char­lie non­stop about jump­ing back into the lead­off spot? If Char­lie’s smart he’ll…

  • Optimizing My Home Entertainment Center

    Excit­ing, I know, but I’ve real­ly reached a cross­roads with my cur­rent set­up. See, I’m old enough to remem­ber when music crit­ics like Yancey and Sasha suf­fered some pret­ty amaz­ing hard dri­ve crash­es in the last decade. They spent time rip­ping their discs to hard dri­ves, only to watch their col­lec­tions van­ish, thanks to hard­ware…

  • Farewell James on 8th

    Awoke this morn­ing to a few tweets between Kristi­na Burke of James on S. 8th St. and for­mer cheftes­tant Jen Car­roll that sug­gest James is shut­ting down oper­a­tions in South Philadelphia. What a great restau­rant. Loved the atmos­phere, the ser­vice, the drinks and the food. Helen and I went exact­ly twice: first for her 30th…