Author: J T. Ramsay
What Games Should I Buy?
I think I’m on record as someone who has finished just two games in his life — Crackdown and Batman: Arkham Asylum — but which games should I buy and leave unfinished this year?
Here are three I have my eye on. I might buy two.
- Red Dead Redemption
- Call of Duty: Black Ops
- Fallout: New Vegas
CoD is almost a foregone conclusion. Love the multiplayer too much not to splash out and pick it up. Loved the look and feel of Fallout 3, but never got out of Megaton. Red Dead Redemption sounds like it’d be something cool to explore.
Help me sort this out, gamers! What should I buy?
My Black Cab Session
A View of Schuylkill River
How Much Can You French Press?
French press coffee is as much a part of my morning ritual as “Thomas the Tank Engine.” I’ve watched several videos to help me hone my skills and Jasper here has really done the trick, especially with the temperature of the water and the timing. I feel pretty confident about my coffee to water ratio these days.
I’m drinking a delicious, oily cup of coffee right now. Love it!