Author: J T. Ramsay

  • The Phillies Win the World Series!

    Broad and Shunk, orig­i­nal­ly uploaded by Black­mail Is My Life. If you were too young to remem­ber when the Phillies last won the World Series (this writer was three), this was our chance to have cham­pi­onship mem­o­ries of our own.  I watched the game at Mem­phis Tap­room, where we toast­ed the Phils win with Bren­dan and…

  • Go Phillies!

    Go Phillies!, orig­i­nal­ly uploaded by Black­mail Is My Life. I will write more about last night’s game lat­er. I’m pret­ty sure every­one was chant­i­ng “27 outs” as we descend­ed into the Broad St. sub­way after the game.

  • Let’s Go, Phillies!

    Phillies on Cira Cen­ter., orig­i­nal­ly uploaded by Black­mail Is My Life. Helen and I were afraid that tonight’s game might get rained out, which would’ve meant that she would miss Game 4 because she’s leav­ing for San Diego on busi­ness Monday. When it was clear that they were going to play tonight no mat­ter what,…

  • What I Should Be Drinking: Great Divide Hibernation Ale

    Seen Through a Glass: Great Divide Hiber­na­tion Ale. I need to walk around the cor­ner some­time soon and try one of these. Leave it to Lew to tell me some­thing that I did­n’t know was hap­pen­ing in my own backyard! (By the way, I’m writ­ing this via Word­Press’s “Press This” book­marklet. I’ve already admon­ished them…

  • Burn! and The Hour of the Furnaces

    I may be up to my neck in work, run­ning, and the Phillies right now, but I’m real­ly excit­ed to check out The Hour of the Fur­naces tonight at Inter­na­tion­al House. The last movie I saw out there was Chris Mark­er’s amaz­ing 240 minute doc­u­men­tary, The Grin With­out a Cat. The Hour of the Fur­naces…