Author: J T. Ramsay

  • How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Playlist

    When Music 2.0 first arrived on the scene, it treat­ed user­s like data entry clerks. Sure, every­one dressed it up as “user-gen­er­at­ed con­tent,” but it all hinged on some moti­vat­ed indi­vid­ual updat­ing a data­base for a ser­vice that was­n’t pay­ing them. Those ser­vices most­ly died out, either because peo­ple lost inter­est or some­thing new­er and shinier…

  • Life And How to Live It

    “Life. It’s lit­er­al­ly all we have. But is it any good?” Andy Daly’s For­est Mac­Neil takes Rick Steves’ sen­si­bil­i­ties and applies them to all man­ner of absur­di­ties. Review is great, but I guess this means we won’t get a Don de Mel­lo sitcom…for the daddies. Read more at A.V. Club.

  • The Art of January Releases

    It’s March and SXSW is wrap­ping up in Austin, which is the kick­off to the spring push in the music indus­try. What am I still pay­ing atten­tion, too? The lat­est Jicks record, Wig Out at Jag­bags. What else? The Against Me! album, Trans­gen­der Dys­pho­ria Blues. Why? The answer is sim­ple. Both are Jan­u­ary releas­es. Jan­u­ary…

  • True Detective

    I loved True Detec­tive. I’m still read­ing arti­cles about how the show will end and all the spec­u­la­tion sur­round­ing it. Heck, they could inter­view any­one who was on set, even if it was just for a day, and I’d prob­a­bly read that. Here’s the Vul­ture’s inter­view with the pro­duc­tion design­er talk­ing about the effort that went…

  • How to Use Twitter Like a Human Being

    What does personal branding mean when the most popular social media accounts lack personality?